Our Vision:

To see every Haitian village as a self-sustaining community.

*Haiti Empowered is a 501c3 non-profit organization founded in 2005; Running 9 schools in Haiti and a clinic/dentist health center

Our Mission

To engage, educate, equip and empower the children of Haiti to  foster generational change, so their villages go from surviving to thriving.

Our Ultimate Why

At the core of who we are lies the inspiration from Ephesians 4. Driven by our mission and vision, we draw strength from Ephesians 4:11-13a, which says… 

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”

In line with our vision, we have developed four strategic pathways to see villages thrive in Haiti - which we refer to as our 4 E's. These pathways serve as our compass, leading the Haitian people towards self-sufficiency and thriving communities.

Our 4 Pathways To Thriving Communities

At Haiti Empowered our unwavering commitment lies in the fulfillment of our mission through these four pathways. Together, we strive towards a future where Haitian communities flourish and stand tall as self-sufficient beacons of hope to other Haitians and villages around them.

  • Our initial pathway starts with engaging the people of Haiti. By addressing their basic needs, such as providing food, medical care, and resources for hygiene, we establish meaningful connections. Those connections include local leaders and families, earning their trust and respect. Our engagement is an ongoing process, as our local team continuously builds upon the relationships formed through our various programs.

  • Education forms the cornerstone of our 4E’s. In Haiti, where many children do not complete middle school or go to school at all.  To foster thriving communities, Haitians need access to knowledge. By encouraging high school graduation, college enrollment, or training in skilled trades, we empower students to become catalysts for change. Armed with knowledge, they can bring about generational transformations that turn struggling villages into secure and prosperous community. We also provide supplemental education on critical topics, including health, life skills, and the importance of emotional as well as spiritual well-being.

  • While education is invaluable, knowledge alone is insufficient. Everyone requires resources and training on how to effectively use their knowledge. Our students learn how to use skills and establish healthy patterns. With that experience and knowledge, they are able fill desirable positions within their communities. Each success story provides an example for their peers and the next generation.

  • Our final "E" emphasizes empowering Haitians to become leaders in their own villages. We believe in the transformational power that changes hearts, minds and souls.

    We employ hundreds of local people, providing internships and growth opportunities. With stable employment and a healthier life changes, they can raise families that change their communities. We utilize partners and mentors to help them embrace the role of change agents. We instill in them the courage and confidence to be the pioneers of transformation, changing Haiti from the inside out.

Our Pathways Are Implemented Through Our Programs

Our Basic Needs Program - is fortified by the operation of clinics and the provision of meals. In line with the Haitian norm, we provide one meal per day, ensuring their basic sustenance. Additionally, our clinics offer access to medical professionals, including doctors and dentists, as well as necessary medication for students and their families, and the village.

Our Education Program - we build and operate schools and staff with dedicated Haitian educators. These schools encompass a comprehensive curriculum, covering traditional academic subjects, mental health programs, and trade skills. We also emphasize the importance of imparting knowledge that results in improved health and the ability to positively impact their village.

Our Equipping Program - we dismantle the barriers that holds many back in Haiti. We firmly believe that everyone deserves an opportunity to thrive, regardless of their demographic makeup or family history. Therefore, we equip Haitian students with the tools and resources they need to initiate change in their communities, such as leadership, critical skills, sustainable enterprises and technology.

Our Empowering Program - involves forging relationships with local entities that serve to create job opportunities, expand existing employment avenues, and provide internships for our students. We aim to empower our students to become examples for the next generation.  Our goal is that they will not only mentor others within their communities but also extend their influence to neighboring communities.